Saturday, February 4, 2012

Choosing A Blogging Platform

Image representing Blogger as depicted in Crun...Image via CrunchBaseBloggers should take their time in finding the right platform for them. If a bloggers chooses the wrong platform, they could have a bad blogging experience. The right platform can make blogging easy and enjoyable.
The best platforms are ones that are user-friendly, helpful, yet allow for customization. Bloggers may need some help, especially if they are new, but they still want their blog to be unique. This balance can sometimes be difficult to find. Blogging platforms that allow for the most customization tend to be a little more difficult to use. Platforms that are easy to use, usually have templates and less custom options available.
A blogger has to choose which one in a priority. Experienced bloggers probably already know what they're doing and don't require platforms with tutorials, therefore they go for creating a custom blog. Amateur bloggers tend to need help and are more worried about learning how to blog than how unique their blog is.
There is no one platform that is the best for everyone. Every blogger is different. There are a lot of blogging platforms out there so choosing the right platform, takes research, but it's worth it. While the large number of platforms available it can be confusing to choose only one. However, it is also good that there are so many platforms because it allows every blogger to find a platform to fit their needs.
When searching for the right platform there are some websites that over comparisons. These are helpful in showing what platform goes best with blogger priorities, comparing them side by side. Reviews aren't always the most helpful, because an inexperienced blogger is likely to complain about an advanced platform, while an experienced blogger with web design skills is likely to complain about a platform that doesn't allow enough custom options.
Bloggers should try to find the top platform, the one that everybody is using. Bloggers need to know their priorities, what they want out of a platform and find one that meets those requirements.
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