Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Personal Productivity

English: Robert Plutchik's Wheel of EmotionsImage via WikipediaDo you feel lost and like you're being pulled in too many directions?
Sometimes in life we feel disconnected, torn between our physical, emotional, and logical. Sometimes our emotions tell us to do something but logically we shouldn't. Sometimes our logical side is telling us something has to be done, but physically we don't feel like it. These conflicts within ourselves are very counterproductive.
How you can become more productive...
You have to try to manage yourself and make all your feelings, thoughts, and emotions work together. Of course, this is easier said than done. Getting enough sleep and eating healthy is one way to keep your mind and body healthy and energized, which can prevent tiredness. Also, make sure you have some time for yourself during your day. You need some time to relax or do something you enjoy to keep your emotional side happy. When you keep all these sides happy, you can then focus on one thing and use all these sides together to have an productive outcome.
Are you easily distracted or bad at time management?
Distractions are everywhere, phone calls, text messages, television, e-mails, Facebook. Distractions make it take longer to complete tasks. When things don't get done on time we become stressed and it can be bad for your work reputation. You have to manage yourself to use your time efficiently and eliminate distractions.
How you can become more productive...
Try to control yourself. Don't go on Facebook while you're working, turn your cell phone off and only check your e-mail 2 or 3 times a day. You can also decide to only take phone calls and respond to e-mails during a certain time. Kind of like office hours. You may also think that multi-tasking is a good skill that allows you get multiple things done at once. However, when multi-tasking your only putting a small amount of effort into each thing. Productivity is all about focus and putting all of your energy into one thing at a time. Work on one thing at a time and don't stop until it's completed. When your task is completed take a break for an interruption. Then, refocus everything onto the next task at hand and do not lose focus until that task is completed. Multi-tasking can drain your energy, get you confused, and stress you out. Sometimes you may need to multi-task for a short period of time, but don't try to do too many things at once. If you are unfocused and wasting time, that is probably why you are poor at managing your time. You will be amazed how much more time you have when you focus and eliminate distractions. You will get things done quicker and stop being late.
Does your life seem inconsistent and jumbled?
If everyday you're rushing around doing things in different orders and forgetting to do things, then it's probably time for some change. A little change can be a good thing especially a change to consistency. Habits and schedules are one way of being more consistent. They can also help you manage your time as well.
How you can become more productive...
Having a schedule and habits can help you get things in order with less disarray. If you don't really have any habits, that is why you feel so inconsistent and jumbled. Choose one habit to start. It can be big or small. Your best bet, it to pick one that can affect you in a positive way and better help you achieve goals that you have. Starting a new habit can actually be kind of hard. First, you have to remember to do it every day. When you have the urge to just not do the new habit one day, try harder. If you skip some days, then you are continuing to be inconsistent. The whole point of starting a new habit is to use your willpower to create a habit that will help you stay on track. You want your habit to just starting happening naturally, without you putting much effort in to it. Give yourself a month to pick up this new habit of your choice. The next month, try it again choosing a different new habit and make sure you still do the previous habit. Also, you can try to create a schedule for yourself. It doesn't have to be extremely specific, but it should consist of blocks of time for you to focus on a task to complete. You may have a schedule of working for an hour then taking a 10 minute break. Then, work for an hour, take a 10 minute break, work for an hour, take a 30 minute lunch, work for an hour, and so on. Each hour you should be focused on doing only one thing and completing it. After a break, the next hour should be spent focusing on and completing another task. A time schedule can make you much more productive.
Is your work desk disorganized and your home messy?
You may be trying so hard to be productive that you don't really straighten up. You're too busy working and making time for yourself that you don't have extra time to spend on cleaning. You may be surprised to know that you would be more productive if you were organized.
How you can become more productive...
If you are messy, you're probably wasting time looking for things. Wasting time is never a part of being productive. If you are organized, you will feel less stress and you will always be able to easily find anything that you are looking for. Clearing off your work desk can help clear off your mental desk. A lot of people may not even realize it, but if you live in a messy house it is sometimes harder to relax. It can become annoying to walk around things, and step over things, and search through piles of clothes for something to wear. Just start cleaning up. If you don't need it, throw it away. If you need to keep it, organize it. Have your work desk clear. Organize any papers or anything that you have. If you will need to reference them in the future, come up with some type of filing system so that you can easily find them. You don't have to go nuts and have everything perfect, but remove clutter and organize things to easily be found and you won't waste time and energy trying to find misplaced things.
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