Monday, September 26, 2011

Want To Learn Basic search engine optimization?

Image representing Google as depicted in Crunc...Image via CrunchBase
We all know that a billion active websites comprise the World Wide Web and this number keeps on increasing by the minute. It helps to have a starting point when coming across a space as big as this, and that is what search engines do for us. Without the help of search engines that help you find a particular website you need, finding the right information is like finding a needle in a haystack. Also, with the help of search engine optimization, you can find what you're looking for in the first website you click on.
Websites such as Google and Yahoo! use search engine optimization to improve the quality of website traffic for useful and effective web browsing. Search engine optimization makes use of keyword research to narrow down the searches to the websites containing the keyword you entered. Usually, the sites are arranged according to the most reliable and most visited website among the search results. Optimizing a website involves editing its web content and HTML coding, making it as user-friendly and informative as possible. The many hits your page gets, the higher your rank goes.
If you own a website and you want it to be on the top of the search results, avoid using broad keywords on your website. Separate different topics in different web pages for easier navigation. Minimize embedding media so that your site loads faster. Do not use a web domain that is hard to remember. There are tools available which would be able to tell you which keywords should appear on your webpage so that browsers will not tend to skip them in the search results.
Because of search engine optimization, highly visited websites get at least 10,000 hits a day. Keep your website as accessible and as useful as possible and search engine optimization will do the rest.
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